.. _BasicUsageAnchor: .. index:: Basic Usage .. _basic usage: =========== Basic Usage =========== Once Docker is installed, you can now run a *Flare Linux* container. It is possible to run the container in live or test modes. .. index:: Live mode --------------------- Flare Linux Live Mode --------------------- When running Flare Linux in live mode, you will run a node on the Songbird Network (Canary), or on the Flare Network. .. note:: You must be whitelisted by Flare in order to connect to the live network. Please see the `Flare website `_. .. index:: Songbird Network Songbird Network ---------------- Open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take some time):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --songbird To check the state of the 'C' chain, you can watch the logs of the server with this command, from inside the container:: $ docker exec -it my_flare_server /bin/bash You will then get a command-line interface similar to this one: .. image:: /images/basic_usage01.png Then, from inside the container:: # tail -f /home/flareuser/.flare/logs/C.log You should then see the Songbird node's logs, like so: .. image:: /images/basic_usage02.png If you want to run a Songbird Validator node, open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take some time):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --songbird-validator .. note:: You must have validator keys to run a validator node. Please see the `Flare documentation `_. .. index:: Flare Network Flare Network ------------- Open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take some time):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-observer To check the state of the 'C' chain, you can watch the logs of the server with this command, from inside the container:: $ docker exec -it my_flare_server /bin/bash Then, from inside the container:: # tail -f /home/flareuser/.flare/logs/C.log If you want to run a Flare Validator node, open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take some time):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-validator .. note:: You must have validator keys to run a validator node. Please see the `Flare's website `_. .. index:: Test mode --------------------- Flare Linux Test Mode --------------------- When running Flare Linux in test mode, you will either connect to the Coston Network 1, the Coston Network 2, or use a local test network. Coston Network 1 ---------------- Open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take a few minutes):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-coston1 To check the state of the 'C' chain, you can watch the logs of the server with this command from inside the container:: $ docker exec -it my_flare_server /bin/bash Then, from inside the container:: # tail -f /home/flareuser/.flare/logs/C.log You can also run the server in interactive mode by removing the 'd' option, like so:: $ docker run -it --rm -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-coston1 Coston Network 2 ---------------- Open a Bash or a ZSH terminal (Mac or Linux), or a Powershell CLI (Windows), and enter the following command in the terminal, and wait for the server to finish bootstrapping (might take a few minutes):: $ docker run -dit --restart=always -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-coston2 To check the state of the 'C' chain, you can watch the logs of the server with this command from inside the container:: $ docker exec -it my_flare_server /bin/bash Then, from inside the container:: # tail -f /home/flareuser/.flare/logs/C.log You can also run the server in interactive mode by removing the 'd' option, like so:: $ docker run -it --rm -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --flare-coston2 Local Network -------------- If you prefer, you can run a local Flare node, by running the following command instead:: $ docker run -it --rm -e FLARE_BIND_ADDRESS= -p 9650:9650 --name my_flare_server asclinux/flarelinux:1.1.2-1.7.1807-0.6.5 flare --------------------------- Start Testing the Flare API --------------------------- Use `Postman `_ to start querying your server's API: `VIDEO TUTORIAL `_, .. note:: Make sure the "C" chain is bootstrapped, before making other queries! ----------------------- Stopping the Flare Node ----------------------- To stop the Flare server, please enter the following command (or press `Ctrl+C` in interactive mode):: $ docker rm -f my_flare_server